Bumpkin Wearables

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Tip1: After renting your SFL asset, you’ll have to deposit it onto your Farm to play with it.
Tip2: Before renting please make sure you’ve bought the gold pass for $5 in-game, If not, you won’t be able to withdraw the rented asset and return your NFT.
Tip3: If you plan on transferring your own Farm to your LootRush wallet, keep in mind a 1 week cooldown might trigger if you then transfer it to another wallet.
Pedidos abiertos
Pedidos prepagados a la espera de ser cumplimentados. Publique una NFT que coincida con pedidos y reciba el pago inmediatamente. Todos los NFT listados en el mercado se comprueban en tiempo real para que coincidan con los pedidos abiertos.